Antwort Does Stargate hold up? Weitere Antworten – Is Stargate worth watching
Anybody honest will admit this series over-stays its welcome, but most of this series is certainly worth watching if you are a fan of Sci-fi. You can tell this show has a budget. The choreography and writing isn't perfect, but the characters are generally likeable and endearing.Viewership continued to decline, and the Stargate SG: 1 was becoming increasingly costly. Ultimately, in August 2007 the Syfy Channel confirmed it was pulling the plug.Considering that SG1 was based on current times (at that time), they used enough current day references combined with their light hearted humor and candid perspectives which made them relatable and palatable to audiences. The stories had just enough depth where people wouldn't get lost, but also not too dumb down.
How many stargates are on Earth : Because thousands of combinations had been previously tried and had failed, it was believed at the time that only two stargates existed, connecting Earth and the planet Abydos, which was visited in the film and was at the time erroneously believed to be located in the Kaliam Galaxy, billions of light years away on the …
Why did Stargate universe fail
But it ended up falling victim to miscalculations by the show's producers as well as poor timing. SGU creators Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper wanted to make it “a completely separate” entry in the franchise (as opposed to Stargate: Atlantis which was a spin-off of Stargate: SG-1).
Is Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis better : Although SG1 have higher highs Stargate Atlantis is still the slightly better show because it is more consistent and have very, very few low points. This is Scifi at its best and with compelling characters, fantastic story arch's and great action this is one of the best shows out there.
But it ended up falling victim to miscalculations by the show's producers as well as poor timing. SGU creators Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper wanted to make it “a completely separate” entry in the franchise (as opposed to Stargate: Atlantis which was a spin-off of Stargate: SG-1).
That means potential future Universe stories are perhaps unlikely, but that doesn't mean Smith and Carlyle are any less interested in returning. "You never say never, I've learned that," Carlyle said, while promoting his new FX sequel series The Full Monty. "I would think it would be unlikely for it to come back. …
Was Stargate SG-1 successful
SG1 was such a successful series because of a few things. One they had an original idea for the series. Two they had a great cast not just Richard Dean Anderson but Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge, Don S Davis and all the other great actors that starred in the show and they kept the good ideas coming.They are fiction. Stargates are fictional devices that were created by the writers of the movie Stargate and the TV series Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate Universe.The film Stargate (1994) establishes that five thousand years ago, the god Ra transplanted Earth humans throughout the galaxy via the Stargate.
According to Wright, the three parties mutually decided to end Atlantis and make movies, and then launch Stargate Universe. This would allow the SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe “legs” of the franchise to continue to run together, hopefully far into the future. Events would soon overtake them.
How would Stargate Universe end : Originally Answered: What happens to the Destiny at the end of Stargate Universe In the show, Destiny was left drifting between galaxies in order to escape the Drones, and set to awaken the crew either 3 years or 1000 years later. In reality, the sets were junked immediately after they finished filming.
Was Jason Momoa in Stargate : From 2005 to 2009, Momoa appeared as Ronon in Stargate Atlantis, for which he learned martial arts.
How far away is Stargate Universe
Stargate Universe (often abbreviated as SGU) is a military science fiction drama television series and part of MGM's Stargate franchise. It follows the adventures of a present-day, multinational exploration team traveling on the Ancient spaceship Destiny several billion light years distant from the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Ori, according to the narrative of Stargate:SG1 were an offshoot of the Ancients (an advanced humanoid race) who decided that they wanted to be worshiped by other lesser humanoids as that emotional and mental energy would give them power. They thus “ascended” and created a religion with themselves as the “gods”.Franchise-spanning mythology. The film Stargate (1994) establishes that five thousand years ago, the god Ra transplanted Earth humans throughout the galaxy via the Stargate. As a result, the people of Earth rose up against him and buried their Stargate.
Why is Stargate Origins so bad : And the acting isn't much better. So, what you have is an extremely cheap, extremely low budget, horribly written and horribly acted attempt at making a Stargate addition that, well, that ignores a lot of what is canonical in Stargate, so even the diehard fans won't like it.